Grassland Training

Meadow Restoration and Management

Course Overview

From assessing your site, to making decisions on restoration and ongoing management and monitoring, this course will take you through the stages involved in restoring and managing a meadow. You will be provided with useful tools and resources that will support you to take action.

The course will cover:

  • Setting the scene – the state of the UK’s meadows
  • Meadow site assessments (theory and practical)
  • Principles of meadow restoration and management
  • Restoration techniques e.g. natural regeneration, green hay/brush harvesting, commercial seed, plug planting
  • Management techniques e.g. cutting, hay-meadow and pasture management, grazing, machinery
  • Indicator species and habitat features

Learning outcomes:

Through this training you will develop the confidence, skills and knowledge to:

  • Undertake a basic meadow site assessment
  • Identify and implement appropriate meadow restoration techniques
  • Implement monitoring including identification of key meadow plant species
  • Plan and implement longer-term management

This course is suitable for:

People and organisations who manage meadow, or potential meadow, sites.

Delivery options

  • 2 days online
  • 2 days on-site with classroom sessions and field visits
  • Hybrid 1 day online, 1 day field visit

Contact Us

07494 749765

Office 16,
Retford Enterprise Centre,
Randall Way, Retford,
DN22 7GR

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