Course Overview
From assessing your site, to making decisions on restoration and ongoing management and monitoring, this course will take you through the stages involved in restoring and managing a meadow. You will be provided with useful tools and resources that will support you to take action.
The course will cover:
- Setting the scene – the state of the UK’s meadows
- Meadow site assessments (theory and practical)
- Principles of meadow restoration and management
- Restoration techniques e.g. natural regeneration, green hay/brush harvesting, commercial seed, plug planting
- Management techniques e.g. cutting, hay-meadow and pasture management, grazing, machinery
- Indicator species and habitat features
Learning outcomes:
Through this training you will develop the confidence, skills and knowledge to:
- Undertake a basic meadow site assessment
- Identify and implement appropriate meadow restoration techniques
- Implement monitoring including identification of key meadow plant species
- Plan and implement longer-term management
This course is suitable for:
People and organisations who manage meadow, or potential meadow, sites.
Delivery options
- 2 days online
- 2 days on-site with classroom sessions and field visits
- Hybrid 1 day online, 1 day field visit
Contact Us
Office 16,
Retford Enterprise Centre,
Randall Way, Retford,
DN22 7GR
Enquiry Form
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